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Pastoral offices and services offered at the CentrePastoral 2

Though Sharing Youth Centre is not Parish, the pastoral office offers a whole range of services to the Christian community who come to pray at the Centre:

  • Catechesis in English: We have catechesis on weekly basis during school holidays and on Saturdays during school time. Our Catechists prepare the catechumens to receive Baptism, First Holy communion and Confirmation. All teachings are done in English.
  • Infant Baptism: The Centre pastoral department offers opportunity to parents to baptize their children from the centre.


  • CHOIRWaaaaaaaaaw, due to the good organization, quality and  energetic youthful choir i.e. Good Samaritan Choir of sharing youth center, on 3rd/sept/2017 which was the Archdeaconry day of Nsambya parish, we were chosen to un mate mass, it was such a great experience, colorful and above all glorifying one. 1      3 2
  • VISIT TO TANZANIA (7th-11th September 2017)This was a memorable one, very early in the morning of the 7th/sept/2017, we set off from sharing youth Centre in the group of 39 and visited the Nyakato parish in Mwanza. Haaaa….we were warmly received, we toured different places like Mwanza port, museums like Sukuma, different parishes like Busheru, kalukaro etc. and the most interesting place was first chapel which was built by the lourdel and Amas the first white fathers in East Africa.We really had a great time with them, we shared experiences, and we were also surprised by the fact that some of their sub parishes and parishes were named after the names of the Uganda Martyrs.But still they also had great time with us since they were the first to visit where they unmated mass, they toured different places like Namugongo shrine,Munyonyo shrine, Nabulagala etc.For sure it was worth a visit.